About Internal Family Systems (IFS) also called Parts Work:
"What is IFS therapy?" A wonderfully informative video from Dr. Tori Olds.
IFS Institute Home Page: Definition of IFS, and tons of resources and learning options for IFS.
About Somatics in General:
How can Somatic Practices can help you? A blog post by me, on a colleague's blog.
What is Somatic Therapy? An article by Harvard Medical School about Somatic Therapy.
About Somatic Experiencing:
"What is Somatic Experiencing:" A description from the Ergos Institute, founded by Peter Levine.
Somatic Experiencing Videos & Articles compiled by my friend Marcia Webster, who is a great practitioner should you be in Western Massachusetts.
Nervous System Regulation Information and Self-Healing Tools:
"How to Enhance Connection, Happiness & Ease: The Neuroscience of Self-Regulation." An approachable, yet comprehensive article from psychologist Jeffrey S. Rutstein that outlines the symptoms of nervous system dysregulation and practices for getting back to feeling good.
Deb Dana's Homepage. Deb Dana is a therapist who incorporates the wisdom of the nervous system and has some awesome resources on her page and great books to check-out.
Videos from Emma McAdam, a therapist dedicated to empowering people with simple tools for working with emotions. She also has a youtube channel.
The Surprising Benefits of Self-Touch. A video made by the bbc about the benefits of even 20 seconds of supportive self-touch.
Inspiring Stories and Essential Information for Healing Trauma:
"Vagal Tone: A Measurable Indicator of Nervous System Health": From Janae Elisabeth, a self-described "neurodivergent geek" who educates and consults on trauma and neuroscience. She has a wonderful website called "Trauma Geek" and wrote this inspiring and informative blog post about healing low vagal tone in other words "I get stressed out easily and can't recover, what do I do?"
"What is IFS therapy?" A wonderfully informative video from Dr. Tori Olds.
IFS Institute Home Page: Definition of IFS, and tons of resources and learning options for IFS.
About Somatics in General:
How can Somatic Practices can help you? A blog post by me, on a colleague's blog.
What is Somatic Therapy? An article by Harvard Medical School about Somatic Therapy.
About Somatic Experiencing:
"What is Somatic Experiencing:" A description from the Ergos Institute, founded by Peter Levine.
Somatic Experiencing Videos & Articles compiled by my friend Marcia Webster, who is a great practitioner should you be in Western Massachusetts.
Nervous System Regulation Information and Self-Healing Tools:
"How to Enhance Connection, Happiness & Ease: The Neuroscience of Self-Regulation." An approachable, yet comprehensive article from psychologist Jeffrey S. Rutstein that outlines the symptoms of nervous system dysregulation and practices for getting back to feeling good.
Deb Dana's Homepage. Deb Dana is a therapist who incorporates the wisdom of the nervous system and has some awesome resources on her page and great books to check-out.
Videos from Emma McAdam, a therapist dedicated to empowering people with simple tools for working with emotions. She also has a youtube channel.
The Surprising Benefits of Self-Touch. A video made by the bbc about the benefits of even 20 seconds of supportive self-touch.
Inspiring Stories and Essential Information for Healing Trauma:
"Vagal Tone: A Measurable Indicator of Nervous System Health": From Janae Elisabeth, a self-described "neurodivergent geek" who educates and consults on trauma and neuroscience. She has a wonderful website called "Trauma Geek" and wrote this inspiring and informative blog post about healing low vagal tone in other words "I get stressed out easily and can't recover, what do I do?"